Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday 4-30 Amphibians

A. There are many differences between toads and frogs. One difference is frogs need to live near water and toads do not need to live near water to survive. Frogs have a smooth slimy skin and toads have rough skin. Frogs have longer hind legs than toads do. Frogs actually jump and toads take hops or almost run. Another thing is frogs have many predators and toads almost have no predators.
B. Amphibians are considered to be a good indicator of our ecosystem because their skin is very absorbent to chemicals and other nasty things. The population of amphibians began to decline in the 1980's. Many scientist believe that they are becoming extinct because of chemicals and natural variation, global changes and diseases. A way to help this is by building habitats to protect them.

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